Portrait of man smoking cigar in Havana, Cuba
Street portrait in Havana, Cuba
Cuban Cowboy Portrait - Viñales, Cuba
Cuban farmer on a field - Viñales, Cuba
Street Portrait of a celebration in Berlin, Germany
Horn player street portrait - Berlin, Germany
Cuban woman smokes a cigar - Viñales, Cuba
Portrait of man with red scarf - Berlin, Germany
Portrait of man in traditional Kenyan clothing - Berlin, Germany
Portrait of man from Ghana - Berlin Germany
Cuban chef standing in front of Cuban Flag - Viñales, Cuba
Elder Cuban man smokes a cigar - Viñales, Cuba
Cuban woman harvest dried tobacco leaves - Viñales, Cuba
Cuban tobacco farmer harvest tobacco leaves - Viñales, Cuba
Cuban woman buying meat from market - Viñales, Cuba
Three men sitting on bench reading newspapers - Oaxaca, Mexico
Young Cuban man trains at boxing gym - Havana, Cuba
Young Cuban man trains at boxing gym - Havana, Cuba
Cuban man walks through the streets of Viñales, Cuba
Elder Cuban man outside in Havana, Cuba
Man sleeping in front of church doorway - Oaxaca, Mexico
Group sitting at park in the city square in Oaxaca, Mexico
Guitar player sitting outside in the city square, Oaxaca, Mexico
Portrait of man smoking cigar in Havana, Cuba
Street portrait in Havana, Cuba
Cuban Cowboy Portrait - Viñales, Cuba
Cuban farmer on a field - Viñales, Cuba
Street Portrait of a celebration in Berlin, Germany
Horn player street portrait - Berlin, Germany
Cuban woman smokes a cigar - Viñales, Cuba
Portrait of man with red scarf - Berlin, Germany
Portrait of man in traditional Kenyan clothing - Berlin, Germany
Portrait of man from Ghana - Berlin Germany
Cuban chef standing in front of Cuban Flag - Viñales, Cuba
Elder Cuban man smokes a cigar - Viñales, Cuba
Cuban woman harvest dried tobacco leaves - Viñales, Cuba
Cuban tobacco farmer harvest tobacco leaves - Viñales, Cuba
Cuban woman buying meat from market - Viñales, Cuba
Three men sitting on bench reading newspapers - Oaxaca, Mexico
Young Cuban man trains at boxing gym - Havana, Cuba
Young Cuban man trains at boxing gym - Havana, Cuba
Cuban man walks through the streets of Viñales, Cuba
Elder Cuban man outside in Havana, Cuba
Man sleeping in front of church doorway - Oaxaca, Mexico
Group sitting at park in the city square in Oaxaca, Mexico
Guitar player sitting outside in the city square, Oaxaca, Mexico